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How to Improve Zoom Call Video Quality?

By using the internally built cameras in Laptops, we generally lose the quality of the video, because of the small sensor in them, but by using an external USB Webcam, you can significantly improve the quality of your Zoom video calls. As external webcams do have setting adjustment software, you can improve the exposure, lighting and many other details.

Over and above this, if you have a DSLR, you can use that to upgrade the video quality of your next zoom call. For this, you will require a video capture card to be attached with an HDMI cable. From the output port of your DSLR or Mirrorless camera, you will be able to get a video feed directly into your computer into your zoom call. So, in this article, we will find a solution to the ‘’How to Improve Zoom Call Video Quality?’’ question.

How to Improve Zoom Call Video Quality?

Well, most of the time when we start a Zoom call, we all use the inbuilt camera of our laptops, but these inbuilt cameras have their limitations for quality as they are housed in a very slim design computer screen. When you are sitting against the regular camera, the light of the camera is doing a good job of making you look clear.

Full HD External Webcam

You, indeed, have options in Zoom to adjust the video quality with reference to lightning a bit, but no other real adjustments. This is where our first step up comes in, an external webcam, we are going to use a mid-range Full HD webcam Logitech C615 USB Webcam. Any webcam will have the functionality to make it right on your screen and get auto-detected once plugged in USB.

Ensure you have HD enabled in Zoom settings for better quality. Similar software-driven adjustments for low lightning can be applied to the settings as well. An advantage of a USB webcam is the fact that it comes with Camera Setting software. In this, you will be able to adjust a few things for a better-looking composition.

For example, with brightness and lightning adjustments, you can play around with contrast levels, re-adjust your white balance, and focus on the subject manually, as well as adjust color intensity of the scene. A C615 can cost you anywhere between $30-50, and it will provide great value, and yet be a very portable solution.

Using DSLR for Zoom Video Calls

One step ahead from here will be to use a DSLR attach that to your system and bring its feed to the Zoom call. For this, you will need a capture card, and technically any Full HD Capture card would work.

Along with the capture card, you will require an HDMI connecting cable to your DSLR. Before you buy that, be sure to check which type of HDMI output is available on your DSLR. It could be a mini HDMI or Micro HDMI.

First, you need to attach this cable to the HDMI out port, and then plug the other end of it into the Capture Card. That capture card’s USB input needs to be plugged into your laptop or computer. If you have no ports on your laptop, you can use a USB hub.

Once plugged in, switch on your camera regularly and you will be able to see a USB camera option featuring in your Zoom camera selector. Select that as your camera and you will be able to broadcast what your camera lens is seeing in your Zoom call.

All of the other features in Zoom are still accessible, as well as the autofocus mode of the camera and any other setting for exposure, lighting, lens, etc. can all be changed in real-time on the DSLR camera, and it will reflect in the Zoom call.

Having a light source closer to the subject will make the person look better, you can control the lighting of the room, by closing all the drapes and bringing a light source closer to you. You can do the same with a lamp or any diffused light source. You can swap lenses or use Zoom lenses and manually adjust that setting on the camera, you can also adjust shutter speed and ISO live during the call.

Content from Second Camera in Zoom

One of the best uses in Zoom for using a combination of the camera inputs together is using the feature of bringing a feed from a secondary camera. So, your Webcam can be focused on you as a person speaking, while your DSLR input can be on something like a product or whiteboard or a design, which you are trying to explain to a group of people online.

There is also a very inexpensive way of using your camera as a Webcam using the Canon Webcam utility software. All you need is a USB cable to attach it to your computer.


So, we shared our experience to improve Zoom video quality. Of course, you can use another brand or model to use as a secondary camera for Zoom calls, and it will be great. If you have other suggestions to improve Zoom calls, please share your thoughts with us.

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