treesScienceOnly the Hardiest Trees Can Survive Today’s Urban InfernoBy Laura HautalaScienceLess Sea Ice Means More Arctic Trees—Which Means TroubleBy Matt SimonScienceStop Planting Trees, Says Guy Who Inspired World to Plant a Trillion TreesBy Alec LuhnScienceCalifornia’s Giant Sequoias Are in Big TroubleBy Jim RobbinsScienceA Revelation About Trees Is Messing With Climate CalculationsBy Max G. LevyScienceIndia’s Sacred Groves Are Resurrecting a Vanishing ForestBy Mahima JainScienceThis Christmas, It’s ‘Firmageddon’ as Climate Change Hits OregonBy Gabrielle CanonScienceWhat the World’s Largest Organism Reveals About Fires and ForestsBy Colin HoganScienceA Bold Idea to Stall the Climate Crisis—by Building Better TreesBy Matt ReynoldsScienceThe Great Danger of the Tiny Bark BeetleBy Jennifer Clare BallScienceHow 'Green' Are Wood Pellets as a Fuel Source?By Eric NiilerScienceTree Rings Show Modern Cyclones Are the Rainiest in CenturiesBy K.E.D. Coan, Ars TechnicaScienceA Cosmic Ray Event Pinpoints the Viking Landing in CanadaBy Dan FalkScienceGround-Level Ozone Is a Creeping Threat to BiodiversityBy Jim RobbinsScienceThe (Very Slow) Race to Move Forests in Time to Save ThemBy Lauren MarkhamScienceOregon Is Burning Trees in Order to Save ThemBy Mallory PickettBusinessDrones May Help Replant Forests—If Enough Seeds Take RootBy Khari JohnsonScienceEastern Hemlocks Face Extinction. A Tiny Fly Could Save ThemBy Zoya TeirsteinScienceHungry, Hungry Microbes in Tree Bark Gobble Up MethaneBy Max G. LevyScienceReforestation Is Great! But We're Running Out of SeedsBy Jesse KleinIdeasPortraits of a Neighborhood’s ‘Wood Wide Web’By Zak JasonScienceA Bold Plan to Save the Last Whitebark PinesBy Jim MorrisonScienceIs It Better to Plant Trees or Let Forests Regrow Naturally?By Fred PearceScienceThe Greatest Climate-Protecting Technology Ever DevisedBy Brooke JarvisMore Stories