Oh I never claimed to be good peopleAnd I suppose the sky is green and the grass is blue. You people are brainwashed. When this fad has passed and the next generation of sheep have jumped on the next new thing, you're going to look back on this era and feel embarrassed that your minds had deserted facts and logic so badly.
Also when this fad is over... women with their breasts chopped off, and men with their penis chopped off... are going to face the grim reality of what they did. They'll have to live with their mutilated bodies from when they got swept up in this insane fad. People like you and @Preacher enabled this. You are not good people.
And by the way for future reference dikwad, when you want to troll and not get banned it’s probably best to not use the same ip as your main account. We will certainly miss your talents around here