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  1. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    I don't want to, I really don't. Every time I do, the little slut takes over my life and I do things I should be ashamed of. Every time, I swear it's the last time, but I know it won't be. I don't want to walk around in a miniskirt and spike heels, showing off to every man I see, but I need to.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. NWUKlad

    NWUKlad Sex Machine

    May 29, 2010
    Suzy, it's been awhile since I last messaged you - hows it going~?
  3. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Could be better, could be worse. Almost recovered from surgery that took me out of action for a while, but now it looks like a family emergency is going to take up most of my week off that was going to be "Suzy time".
    Guess that just means I'll be even hornier and sluttier when I do get the chance to cut loose.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. NaddyX

    NaddyX Porn Star Banned!

    Aug 28, 2011
    Do some , or a lot of the men u tease never realize you are a guy?
  5. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    They don't seem to. It's not like I stop and ask them, but they don't seem to look at me any differently than they do other women...or at least no differently than they do a woman who's dressed the way I am. That's one reason I like to go out sometimes in a "business woman" outfit that's nice and modest. I can wear that and almost nobody gives me a second glance--sales clerks, security guards, people I pass, etc. never blink and treat me the same as any other woman (I LOVE it when one of them calls me "ma'am" or "miss"). That makes me feel much better when I go out in something naughtier (like a teeny, tiny, tight skirt that barely covers my garters) because I know the stares are because of the outfit and the show I'm putting on, not because they've spotted my gender.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    The crisis is continuing, so my plans to cut loose are still on hold. The best I can do for now is wear my panties and pantyhose under my pants and hope that I can catch some "alone time" later. :sigh:
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Time for some pictures. Sorry, guys, they're all PG rated.
    First, my new "I'm a lady" outfit:
    603.JPG 604.JPG
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  8. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Now the "flirty" Suzy:
    605.JPG 606.JPG
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  9. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    And finally, the "I'm a total slut" Suzy:
    607.JPG 608.JPG
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  10. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    That's it...I can't hold Suzy back anymore. I suddenly got too sick to go to work today, and if I'm too sick for work, I'm too sick to go shopping. It's a good thing Suzy isn't the one who's sick so she can go out. She's going to start out modestly in her "lady" outfit, but I suspect she'll be changing skirts as the day goes by...like I said above, once she gets in control, the slut likes to go all out. I guess I can't blame her--she doesn't get out often, so when she does, she doesn't want to hold back.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. pcum

    pcum Porno Junky

    Apr 26, 2008
    Would love to see you when you go out!
  12. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Well, so far I've shaved and have on my garterbelt, stockings, panties and bra. Need to do my makeup and then finish getting dressed, so stay tuned. I warn you, though, the makeup takes a while--picture how long it takes a woman who has been doing it all her life and then double it for me. :kiss:
    • Like Like x 2
  13. pcum

    pcum Porno Junky

    Apr 26, 2008
    Take all the time you need:kiss:
  14. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    OK, ready to go out the door. Makeup is about as good as I can get it, nails are long, red and sexy...Look out world here comes Suzy.
    • Like Like x 2
  15. curiouskyguy

    curiouskyguy Sex Lover

    Jan 1, 2010
    please tell us about the day. I cant wait to hear.
  16. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Sorry it took so long, but the family crisis is continuing. I'm glad I was able to sneak out for a day, but the rest of the weekend was crazy.

    On the whole, my Suzyday was fun and exciting, even though it was a touch disappointing. I started out in my "lady" outfit (see pic above) in the mall. As I've said, when Suzy has been away for a while, it feels really good to step out in something conservative, just to reassure myself. This time I spent a few hours walking around the mall, and the total lack of reaction to me was just what I needed. No funny looks, no laughs, no reactions other than what any other woman would expect from other shoppers or clerks...in other words, I was sure everyone saw me as a woman. With that in mind, I decided it was time to get more adventurous, so I headed home for a bladder break (I still don't have the courage to use the women's restroom. I have a fear of being "discovered" there, which would be ugly, since I'm sure I'd be arrrested as a pervert who was trying to sneak peaks at women) and to change my skirt. I put on my black mini, which barely covered the lace at the top of my stockings when I was standing up. When I sat down, there was no way to prevent the skirt from exposing my garters, so they were visible as I drove, turning me (and I hope a few truckdrivers I passed) on even more. I decided to visit the local truckstop where Suzy made her first public appearance for "old times sake". I did the "clean the windshield" thing, knowing that I was giving everyone a show of my stockings and panties as I leaned over the hood to reach the center of the windshield, and noticed several cars slowing down as they went by. When I walked into the the truckstop, I was thrilled to have a guy approaching from the other direction rush over to open the door for me, again giving me the "he sees me as a woman" feeling. After a few minutes there, I took a deep breath and knew where I had to go next: the adult bookstore.

    In the past when I had gone there, there was usually one or two cars in the lot. This time there were 6 cars there and I almost chickened out, but after a few minutes of talking to myself, I decided that I was there to show off, so why not do it? I was actually disappointed when I walked in and didn't see anyone but the clerk, who was busy talking on the phone. I realized that meant everyone else was back in the "private viewing" booths, so I spent a few minutes walking around the store, putting on a show for the clerk while wondering if I had the courage to go where all the men obviously were. At first I didn't think I could do it, but the longer I thought about it, the more I wanted it, so I bought a handful of tokens and went back. A couple of men in the hall noticed me and I gave them a smile as I stepped into a booth. I admit I was terrified, and I wasn't sure what scared me more, the thought that one of them might decide to join me or the thought that none of them would. I should tell you that there were no glory holes, so the only way anything could happen would be if two people squeezed into the phonebooth sized area.
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  17. Suzygurl

    Suzygurl Brazen in Heels

    May 26, 2012
    Part 2:

    When nothing happened after a few minutes, I changed booths, advertising my presence again, and this time there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted company. Sadly, none of the men there took the hint. I've since convinced myself that the reason was something I noticed both at the mall and the ABS: when you're at either place in the early afternoon of a weekday, the only men to be seen are closer to 70 years old than they are to 40 (or even 60). So, I ended up walking out disappointed. When I got back to my car, I considered trying somewhere else, but by then my feet were aching from the heels so I surrendered and returned home. By the time I got there, the family crisis was back in full swing, so all I could do was change back and deal with it. :sigh:
    • Like Like x 2
  18. Jack Beating

    Jack Beating Porn Star

    Dec 27, 2014
    Love it Suzy! Thanks for the update! Wouldn't mind a pick of you cleaning your windshield!