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  1. zorbas

    zorbas Porn Star

    Jan 28, 2008
    Don't tell me you missed out on the Elks, the Odd Fellows and the Freemasons.
  2. kazzer

    kazzer Porno Junky

    Jan 18, 2008
    My cousin initiated me when I was 12 and he was 35 started of touching me accidently and got bolder when he realised I let him and did not tell anyone still makes me wet to remember him. Went on to have a few older men the biggest age difference was me 19 and him in his 50's he was my personal tutor at Uni I learnt a lot from him
  3. empaleur

    empaleur Sex Machine

    Aug 17, 2008
    geeez...never even thought about my family this way. I could make and put the frontier between the family and all other things...Look teachers :) Love them...have been only once with a teacher of mine...i was 16 and she was 35...awesome MILF...but that's all..
  4. sweetlily4u

    sweetlily4u Sex Machine

    May 15, 2008
    Thank you, Kazzer, for sharing some of your story. I know that there are girls like us that really liked the attention and the fun that we had with the older guys in our families.
  5. jazzgrrl

    jazzgrrl Porn Surfer

    Mar 17, 2010
    When I was 11, my little brother's father (my step-father), "initiated me". I didn't enjoy when he did it, but I have always been fond of the older male. I know it has a lot of things to do with him, and I am fine with that. I fantasize about what he did to me, only pretending that it is a different man.
  6. avocadoer

    avocadoer Porn Surfer Suspended!

    Mar 15, 2010
    To answer the question of is sex still good for some of old foggies. YES! Just as it's not enjoyable for some people under 40.
  7. williearl

    williearl Sex Machine

    Jul 26, 2009
    I hope to hear more of these stories. I hope they turn you on as well.
  8. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    *sigh* So many fraternal organizations....so little time.
  9. LahainaGirl

    LahainaGirl Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2009
    mmmm daddies! i love older men! flirted with my teachers all the time! alas they were all good men and didnt touch me though i woulda let them! im only want older men my current one is 40 yay!
  10. sweetlily4u

    sweetlily4u Sex Machine

    May 15, 2008
    I just wanted to start up this topic again. I remember how much fun I had once I learned that men would always respond to me flirting with them. I loved to know that my young body was what they wanted so badly! :rose:;)
  11. il-pam

    il-pam Porn Star Suspended!

    Dec 7, 2009
    well it was my brother that started it all he was around 5 yrs older. at first i was not into it but i was young . later we keep it up an i guess u cant say i went every male in my family lol an beyound lol kisses
  12. newbi

    newbi Porn Surfer

    Jan 8, 2009
    Yet another boring thread that instantly makes the alarm bells ring..."this thread was probably started by a guy pretending to be a girl". Either way it`s a bit boring, dated and stupid.
  13. patrick_b76

    patrick_b76 Amateur

    Oct 18, 2007
  14. sweetlily4u

    sweetlily4u Sex Machine

    May 15, 2008
    Newbi, I am a verified GIRL. My picture is on the real girl thread and on my profile, so see for your self.

    As for dated and boring, well that's a personal point of view so you are welcome to it. Some of us do get turned on by sharing our stories with each other. If you don't then just go play someplace else.

    Thanks to everybody that has shared and is having fun along with me! :kiss:
  15. sweetlily4u

    sweetlily4u Sex Machine

    May 15, 2008
    I felt like bumping this thread. It's been awhile and I'm just wondering what the new members might have to say. Your memories don't have to just be w/ Family men. I think those of us that got started young also found all older guys lots of fun for us!
  16. theUnc

    theUnc Sex Lover

    Jul 6, 2011
    well, this is interesting ... timely, even!

    I have just recently learned (from the horse's mouth) that my not-so-innocent niece got started at a young age. (Not by a family member, mind you) ... but now, through a most astonishing twist of fate, we're fucking around via. the internet - and I can tell you: (from what she's told me) she's definitely a fuck-worthy little piece of ass; and she has pretty much made her desires for me known.

    I kinda wondered what the hell she would want with an "old man" like me. (I'm 41). But after reading about some of the age-gaps from other people in this thread, I certainly feel more validated. (She's 19 btw).
  17. narcissus1985

    narcissus1985 Sex Machine

    Sep 14, 2007
    I'm quite shocked about some of the stuff in this thread, but it's not my life so I will do my best not to pass judgment...

    the term "initiation" sounds like some kind of gang or frat punishment to enter

    Incest and sex at such a young age, can cause trauma by reading this thread it seems like it's all fun and games and in some cases it might not be that bad but the risk is too far great traumatizing a kid...

    I do find out society in general has become uptight about sex to large degree calling a guy a pedophile for having sex with a 16 or 17 year old girl is quite ridiculous, regardless of his age...

    anyways just my 2 cents
  18. narcissus1985

    narcissus1985 Sex Machine

    Sep 14, 2007
    You were an early form of a lolita... Yeah sometimes the younger girl can sort of seduce the older guy.. but still I think the guy should know better not to take things that far. Things should be judged on a case by case basis as it's different in every case, what's traumatic for one person may not be for another... It's easy to judge from the outside...

    Sometimes younger people can actually be convinced their a victim, I heard of stories where cops would convince kids they were abused and their family members would get put in jail or others and then they would grow up and realize it was all bogus and have to live with guilt of them being in jail and unable to get the convictions over turned... If you tell someone enough their a victim or society does they will believe it...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2011
  19. rachelle101

    rachelle101 Sex Machine

    Jun 24, 2008
    I don't understand how some people enjoyed it when they were young teens/kids with their step fathers or father, but I do understand wanting an older man who isn't related somewhat. I've never achieved intamacy with a much older guy, but when I was seventeen there was a teacher at my school who I really wanted to sleep with.

    He was probably about early to mid forties and very fit, quite a handsome man. He looked very young for his age though, still had a full head of black hair. Something about his suit and authority really got me though; I always flirted with him and it was very obvious I wanted him, but he always ignored my advances. A real nice bloke, very smart and witty. Shame..
  20. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    If you have Word, or a similar proggie, write it in that; it will show spelling & grammar mistakes for you.
    Now get a writing girl, and yes to me you are just a girl.