Anonymous9: Oh, man~! Would've won if it weren't for the errors~! Especially "Cloub Strife". xDDD. LOL to you guys for seeing him as Roxas! Then again, he does look Roxas in this fanart...
Pic's hot but I kinda feel sorry for Cloudy... Whoever the hell did this to him probably hates him or wants to humiliate him by figuring out that he's got a thing for Zack(>:3) and Reno(>:D) and making him take that ----- up his ------ and pump his ----- like Mad! That's why he's dripping his cum all over~! >////<
Point 2: HELLO, ROXAS!
Let me speak for all of us when I say, "OPS".
Please?! Please?! Please?! Please?!
</stating the obvious>
Pic's hot but I kinda feel sorry for Cloudy... Whoever the hell did this to him probably hates him or wants to humiliate him by figuring out that he's got a thing for Zack(>:3) and Reno(>:D) and making him take that ----- up his ------ and pump his ----- like Mad! That's why he's dripping his cum all over~! >////<
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