Recommending - Story-first games

  1. 5,00 звёзд


    It is a list of culture to all cultured fellas
    Out there ,God bless this.thread and good
    Luck in finding good games

    You should also start a list for games with good
    Gameplay and story

    But no one has that much free time,right....
  2. 5,00 звёзд


    A very useful thread to find games worth playing. Also a lot of those who post here where lead me to interesting games i didn't find before. Both mentioned games and those in the list may be interesting. Some of the people who post here post interesting reviews in other threads that have been very helpful. There is also usually a very pleasant tone in the thread, which I appreciate.
  3. 5,00 звёзд


    Being myself primarly interested in story and characters with some writing depth in an AVN, i found this thread really great to gather more recommendations and readers opinions about the suggested titles
  4. 5,00 звёзд


    I'm so thankful to jufot for compiling (and maintaining) this list. Though not all the games are for me personally, I've managed to discover and experience some absolute gems, one of which is now in both my avatar and my signature. I especially love how this continues to grow with contributions from other users as well.
  5. 5,00 звёзд


    Even if you disagree with what is being discussed, it's always interesting to see a different perspective that is not only focussed on the lewd aspect of AVNs. Also I found a couple of games that I wouldn't have played without reading about them in the story-first thread.
  6. 5,00 звёзд


    This list is a welcomed breathe of fresh air that gives us insight into what great story telling is. I have long been a huge critic of the lack of imagination and effort put into some of these "games", so having a list like this to point me in a good direction is a huge plus. With the completion rate being so terribly low, a list like this might help readers weed out some of the garbage and see what happens when someone truly pours their love and ability into a story. @jufot has done a fantastic job here!
  7. 5,00 звёзд


    An incredibly comprehensive and well-maintained, as well as well-labelled, list of games that is regularly updated. Super convenient and quick way to find specific content on this website. Being a collaborative effort between multiple users means that it is constantly updated and is easy to see which games are worth checking out for your interests.
  8. 5,00 звёзд


    Nice choice of games on this list. I believe all of them are worth playing if you're looking more for story than smut. All those I tried myself were worthwhile and I intend to go through the whole list.